ForschungsMittwoch #163 | EcoArtLab | Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste | HKB:
«The Future of Art and
Science Collaborations»
Scientific research, artistic practice and society are increasingly intertwined. Artists and designers collaborate with scientists and science is looking for ways to integrate artistic practices. Unlike traditional science communication, these approaches foster new ways of knowledge production by engaging with different communities. Yet, our understanding of their impact is limited. Questions remain about equal collaboration, exchange formats, quality criteria, and funding structures. The EcoArtLab of the HKB, in collaboration with the mLAB (Institute of Geography, University of Bern), hosts a discussion with different Swiss funding representatives to explore these questions within existing structures.
Katharina Schneider-Roos, Innovation & Society Specialist, Pro Helvetia; Julia Schneerson, Agora Program Manager, SNSF; Katia Weibel, Deputy Director, Stiftung Mercator Schweiz
Yvonne Schmidt, Head EcoArtLab, HKB
Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste
Organized by Mirko Winkel, artist & curator, coordinator mLAB & collaborator EcoArtLab
13th March, 2024 | 18.30 – 20.30
incl apéro & roundtables
HKB, Auditorium | Fellerstrasse 11 | 3027 Bern
Please register until 11.3.2024: