Subproject 1: Institution

“The Future Institution: Institutional Frameworks of Climate-Art Collaborations”

(Yvonne Schmidt)

The subproject analyses the institutional framing of art-climate projects (cultural institutions, funding bodies, universities) through qualitative interviews and document analyses and asks to what extent this creates favorable conditions for artistic production. It is based on the hypothesis that only through collaborations between participants with the most diverse expertise possible, can projects emerge that generate new knowledge production processes and are accessible to the most diverse audiences possible. This requires new institutional production conditions.

The study follows an institutional critique approach by questioning curatorial working methods. It focusses on institutional strategies that renegotiate logics of producing and disseminating art as well as the interdependencies with funding systems and political instances. Institutional critique is both understood as a method (Gau 2017) as well as a critical practice that “exposes the economic framework conditions of the art field and questions aesthetic codes” (Brüggmann 2020). The aim is to develop a set of criteria for art-climate collaborations based on structural contexts of artistic production methods and their interdependencies with other systems.