Geographiewerkstatt 2024 Conference 2024:

«Co-creating knowledge in transdisciplinary art and climate science collaborations»

Three weeks ago Johanna was presenting about ‘Co-creating knowledge in transdisciplinary art and climate science collaborations: Exploring epistemic justice in applied methods and procedures’ at the Geographiewerkstatt 2024 Conference in Innsbruck, Austria. Connecting with many other early career researchers, listening about method approaches, and discussing AI in research, while having an amazing view onto the snowy mountains surrounding sunny Innsbruck was an altogether enriching experience.

The research project ‘EcoArtLab. Relational Encounters between the Arts and Climate Research’ is a project of the Institute Practices and Theories in the Arts (IPTK) at the Bern Academy of the Arts (HKB) in cooperation with the mLAB of the University of Bern, founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Fotos Research & Team by Riikka Tauriainen