SNSF-research project: ‘EcoArtLAb. Relational encounters between the arts and climate research’

We are glad to announce that the SNSF-research project has been approved. This practice-based research project at the Institute for Practices and Theories of the Arts at the Bern University of the Arts (BFH) in cooperation with the mLAB at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bern investigates how the interplay of expertise from artistic research, geography and critical sustainability research and climatology can be made fruitful for the climate debate. It connects current discourses of Artistic Research, Ecological Arts and critical sustainability research in Geography, which have so far only been considered in isolation.

Learn more about the research project in the HKB Newspaper article from September 2022.   

The research project ‘EcoArtLab. Relational Encounters between the Arts and Climate Research’ is a project of the Institute Practices and Theories in the Arts (IPTK) at the Bern Academy of the Arts (HKB) in cooperation with the mLAB of the University of Bern, founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Fotos Research & Team by Riikka Tauriainen